Sharp: A Trusted Name In Solar Electricity

It's been nearly a half-century since Sharp's first reliable solar-power solution was used in a lighthouse. It's also when our vision for a clean, solar-powered world led us to develop solar systems for a broad range of applications. From satellites, telecommunications, water pumps, remote houses and safety signals, to grid-tied homes, businesses and large solar farms, Sharp has manufactured a variety of products that harvest abundant, inexhaustible solar energy - all to deliver electricity. Forty-five years and countless innovations later, we're a global leader in solar, providing the systems to power more homes and businesses than any other solar manufacturer in the world.

With more solar energy product choices than ever, Sharp is poised to bring the promise of this amazing, money-saving, non-polluting and ever-renewable resource to everyone on the planet - from the largest businesses to homes and families around the world. Maybe even yours.